Saturday, March 7, 2009

What is a RENEWaissance Man?

Some might ask what exactly is a RENEWaissance Man (or woman)? I believe it all starts with an awareness of two very vital elements. One, that you are aware that at some level we are all connected. "We" meaning not only Human Beings, but also every other living species in the Biosphere. This awareness then leads you to the next "A HA" moment of realizing that "You" play a serious role in the "Enhancement of the Human Experience". This dual-awareness begins a transformation of consciousness, where one can heed the call for the "Interfacing" of the Spirt, Mind, Body & Nature for a total renaissance of identity.

When this renewal of the self breeds with the desire for a consciousness renaissance, we step into a new period in Human Experience: RENEWaissance. This is not spiritual mombogumbo; but a way in which we can not only get more in touch with our Authentic Being, but also realize that we can begin to initiate a new revolution towards interfacing with our surrounding environment.

People like Sir Richard Branson, Yvon Chouinard, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Michael Beckwith, and President Barrack Obama are people who are playing a key role in this RENEWaissance. They realize that Humans have an unlimited potential for innovation and cooperation. They build their companies, spiritual communities, and government around the fundamental realization that we all affect/effect one another and that there is no limit to what we can achieve together.

That being said we all must heed the call for a RENEWaissance of Spirit, Mind, Body & Nature. An opportunity to bring all aspects of your life into a harmony of growth, development & unfoldment as Dr. Beckwith would put it. So ask yourself today if you are ready to take the pledge to be a RENEWaissance Man or Woman at work, home or in your community. Are you ready to reinvent the way you think, eat, live, serve and love? Are you willing to take a step towards inward and outward revolution? Are you willing to transform your habits for Enhancing the Human Experience, even just 1% each day?

I will leave you with an ultra amazing quote by Ghandi who once said: "We must become the change we desire to see in the world." We all can be this change if we begin to realize all change comes from within and starts with You.

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